Learn to Think
Making Learning FUN
Our teachers design curriculum to meet the needs and interests of each class, each year, and 11:1 small class sizes mean students receive the support they need to master objectives.
Additionally, project based learning combined with a shortened day means students stay engaged. Very little time is lost to transitions or classroom management issues, leaving maximum time for learning at AHB!

What Sets AHB Academics Apart

Motivated Learning
At AHB, we want our students’ self worth to come from pride in a project completed, a problem solved, or a friend supported — not a number on a page. Thus, our micro school does not assign grades in the traditional manner. Instead, we track student progress with an outcome-based system that clearly communicates which learning objectives your child has met and where they need continued practice. This opens a dialogue among teacher, student and parents. Together, we plan the next steps for challenge or review.
Removing the pressure to grade allows teachers to plan more authentic learning experiences and give truly descriptive feedback. These measures are shown to increase intrinsic motivation, self worth, and academic achievement.

Math is fun and meaningful at AHB. Logic, real world application and problem solving are stressed. Game play and project based learning combine with traditional skill practice to master objectives. Our small class size and positive learning environment mean students develop math confidence along with skills.
Our mathematics scope and sequence aligns with the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills). Teachers have autonomy to pull from various resources to best meet the needs of their class. Being accredited means AHB Middle School students have the opportunity to earn high school credit in Algebra 1 and Geometry.

Language Arts
Studies in Language Arts mature as students do. While we enjoy reading and talking about good books at any age, in the early grades students also spend time on concrete skill practice like phonics and handwriting. In the upper grades, the focus shifts. Students read to learn and use writing not only to communicate, but also as a tool for deeper thinking. Grammar or spelling work still builds skills, but most time is spent analyzing rich texts and writing thoughtful essays. Work often ties in with Theme units, bringing depth to the studies.
At all levels, reading and writing objectives align with the TEKS. Teachers have autonomy to pull from various resources to best meet the needs and interests of their class.

Theme – Science & Social Studies
Theme is what inspires AHB students to love learning! Our themes stimulate curiosity and provide a class focal point for learning and creation. Theme topics rotate quarterly between science and social studies.
Each afternoon in Theme class, students dive deep into learning. Class time is dominated by group work, problem solving, and creative, hands-on projects. We value depth over breadth and emphasize the process of learning over the memorization of content. Research shows that this type of project based learning increases comprehension, critical thinking, and even test scores and AP pass rates.
Theme Map Cycle and Vertical Alignment
Theme map is current per 2023-24 school year. Annual adjustments may be made based on current events or class events or class needs. Note that quarters rotate between a science (generally Q1 & 3) and social studies (generally Q2 & 4) focus.

Academics That Progress With the Student
Build a Love of Learning That Lasts
Too many kids get burned out by prep-school education before they even reach high school. AHB Community School ensures students stay engaged by meeting students where they are, integrating project based learning, and offering school-life balance. In 2022 and 2023, 100% of AHB eighth graders were accepted to their first choice high school while maintaining their natural enthusiasm for learning.