Da Sprouts took a check in on Monday over expression and then moved on to the equations unit. Tuesday they learned how to solve one-step addition and subtraction equations using inverse operations and Wednesday they solved puzzles to practice setting up inverse operations.
Evershrooms reviewed Monday for their check in on Tuesday. Wednesday they began learning about 3D shapes and nets.
Polar Bears took their check in over pythagorean theorem Monday and began exploring transformations on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mountain Lizards worked hard to review Monday, but no one else managed to escape to room. All were prepared, however, for their check in on Tuesday. Wednesday they began their unit on quadratics.
We kicked off the week with a quick write: How does the setting of A Midsummer Night’s Dream affect the plot? Students contributed impressive and pretty clever connections to our class discussions after they had time to write.
Everyone had a great time acting out the hijinx in Act 3 of this Shakespeare play, then they were tasked with reading Act 4 on their own as P&P. On Thursday students took a check in to see how well they comprehend the text. After returning from Shipe Park, we began reading Act 5. This was especially fun because the whole class was together. We broke out into two groups–one for Theseus and one for Hippolyta–to translate lines into modern day language.
Also this week, everyone showed off their essay prewriting skills on a graphic organizer with the prompt, Based on what we’ve learned about Shakespeare, does A Midsummer Night’s Dream fit the category of a comedy? Their main focus was providing a thesis and supporting evidence, complete with quotations from the text.
Before jumping into that prompt, Da Sprouts and Evershrooms reviewed how to organize thoughts by planning a pretend birthday party for Ms. Amanda. We brainstormed ideas, then put all those details into categories. This fun analogy helped students understand how to build cohesive paragraphs with plenty of details. It’s a shame we won’t actually throw that party, because Ms. Amanda really deserves that Kirby cake, dart throwing competition, and live donkey!
The Delta students really brought the heat this week in Theme, as we blazed into our last physics principle: thermal energy and heat transfer. We started the week by sharing information about how thermal energy transfers heat through three methods: conduction, convection, and radiation. Each student was grouped into “teams” representing those three methods. After notes, they toured the halls, applying their new knowledge to tasks relating to thermal energy.
The challenge for the teams was to develop a way to demonstrate how each method of heat transfer looked by using only the materials in the music room or kitchen. Creativity was unleashed, as teams used everything from hot light bulbs and box fans, to metal pans on stovetops with ice to present their methods. They used effective terms and illustrated that they could translate the basic ideas. Great work by the Deltas to start the week!
We spent the rest of the week preparing our last mini project. Students began to build solar ovens, an environmentally friendly way to cook. The ovens will be completed next week and “fired” up to make smores as a last week of school treat before our Spring Break jumps off.
Thursday was Physics Principle Demonstration Day. From wind farms to electromagnetism, the student efforts for their outside projects were phenomenal. THe Delta teachers were blown away, not only by the creativity, but the scientific commentary students made during presentations. It showed obvious proficiency in their topics. Videos of student presentations will be sent before PoP in May.

The Delta students have begun using drum circles to have pop-up music sessions. They have enjoyed finding ways to make everyday items into musical instruments and experimenting with new sounds. You can see a video of one of the sessions here.

At top, Delta students work to demonstrate the various methods of heat transfer to apply their understanding of thermal energy. Above, Evershoom groups demonstrate heat transfer during presentations this week. Using box fans, students felt the heat coming off the light bulbs.

Da Sprouts students work on their Solar Ovens, thermal energy devices that use the waves of the sun to cook. Students will make smores the week before spring break!

Evershroom diligently working.

Da Sprouts act out the scene where Oberon reverses the magical spell on Lysander.

Top: Icebergs use creative license to create a rectangular model of The Globe Theater.
Bottom: An Evershroom employs a variety of resources to support the thesis in his prewriting.