K/1st: Week of Jan 20

This SHORT week in Alpha!

Ace “Just keeps truckin’ on…”

This week in Our Big Backyard…

It was a crazy blur! We learned a lot about West Texas’ flora and fauna and got started on our West Texas diorama!

We will upload an update on our journey’s progress next week!

In Math…

Ms. Kim’s Mathletes learned about a distinctive group of polygons this week: The Quadrilaterals! We also practiced turning the sums we created into equations – and we even crammed in some SEL with a great role-play on how to say “excuse me” when someone is in our way.

Ms. Eliza’s Math Wizards looked closely at dimes, comparing them to the pennies and nickels. We learned a new game called “Going to Boston!” which had us learning how to add 3 numbers together. It was a hit and we learned ways to look for numbers that make 10 which made it easier to add.


Ms. Kim’s Mad Poet Society learned a bit about metaphor and simile! We practiced together and in our journals. We also worked on a new set of ending blends!

Ms. Eliza’s group reviewed short a and i cvc words. Our fairy Tale comparison this week was The Three Little Pigs and then, again, we heard the wolf’s side in The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. Those fairy tale wolves can be tricksters…but we are not fooled!