News and Events

Weekly View of Why Students Love Learning at AHB

This Week in K/1st

A note about next week: We’ve got lots going on! Our first field trip (to a neighborhood fire house) after lunch on Wednesday and a picnic at Shipe Park on Thursday! Please wear walking shoes and be sure to pack your water bottle… In Our Big Backyard… We learned about another landform: plateaus! We built some using teamwork. Next, we looked at the Edwards Plateau specifically. We learned that it was uplifted by tectonic plates ~100 million years ago – when the area was covered by an ocean. It’s composed largely of limestone, which forms in shallow water when water […]

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girl learning about nature

This Week in 6th/7th/8th

Math The stars aligned this week, because all four math classes took their first check-ins! Zoomshrooms also finished up their “Integers In Real Life” art pieces, signed them, and displayed them on the wall. In between check-ins, Shockwave completed error analysis task cards. Each task card showed the work of a pretend student. Unfortunately, the pretend student did each problem wrong and Shockwave students had to find the error. Before Algebra students took their check-ins, they were introduced to how to graph and solve inequalities. Then, finally, geometry students completed their city blueprint of Harold’s. They will be completing the

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Teacher helping student wear banner

This Week in 4th/5th

Week 4 Update We had a busy (yet, great) week in Gamma! We started the week off celebrating Eric’s birthday (11) which is such a fun, festive way to start a new week. In class, we focused much of our efforts on helping students acclimate to the scientific method to hopefully help your family feel better supported as you begin working on Science Fair projects at home. We ended the week with a paper airplane experiment (complete with flying ‘trials’ in the chapel.) We’ll be sure to include photos in next week’s update. Memorable Moments We finally finished our first

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Kids learning and playing games at micro school

This Week in 2nd/3rd

Math Ms. Kelly’s math group had a blast comparing numbers in the hundreds using base ten blocks, super fun games and of course pencil and paper, too. Fluency in math is so important, so how did we practice math fluency this week? A race to 100! Ms. Kelly vs. the kiddos (Check out our Insta to see who won). The games didn’t stop there! Ms. Kelly introduced a new game called Spin to 500 that aligns perfectly with their new unit on place value, it was a hit! These Betas LOVE math and ended their week exploring number patterns with

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Children learning about electricity together

This Week in K/1st

This week in Our Big Backyard… We know we need air, water, and food in order to live and all our food depends on SOIL. We know soil is a mix of living and nonliving material – so – how did the Earth’s Crust go from solid rock to teenie-tiney rock and minerals? WEATHERING! Weathering can eat some rocks away because rain has a little bit of acid in it. Over many years, it can eat holes in to rock. There are many rocks in Texas that have been weathered! Ryan’s fossil bubbled wildly when we dropped it in a

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Alpha Sept 13