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Weekly View of Why Students Love Learning at AHB

Middle School: Week of Jan 20

Math: This week the Marionettes finished up their percent unit. They started their review on Thursday and will finish it next week. The Saplings started a performance review to assess if they can calculate area and work with scale values. The Vroomsrooms had lesson over negative exponents on Wednesday. Thursday they played Koosh Ball to review the product rule, power rule, quotient rule, and negative exponents rule. ELA: We spent the two school days this week talking about our class novels. All classes have passed the halfway point and the action is rising! In each class, students teamed up to […]

Middle School: Week of Jan 20 Read More »

Middle school students hold opject together at nonreligious school in Austin.

K/1st: Week of Jan 13

This week in Alpha… Wicked? No WAY! This week in Our Big Backyard… Alphas have a good understanding of the prairies and high plains’ resources, flora, and fauna but we haven’t talked much about the first humans who lived in Texas – particularly in that eco region! Alphas learned that when Europeans discovered Texas about 500 years ago, but didn’t explore the land for about 100 more years. They learned that they were NOT the first people to inhabit this state! Scientists have determined that human beings evolved in Africa around 2 million years ago and began moving into Asia.

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Kindergarten student holds electric creation at part time school.

2nd/3rd: Week of Jan 13

Math – Ms. Andrea’s math group reviewed telling time: to the hour, half hour, quarter past, quarter till, in 5 minute increments and down to the exact minute! We learned new time games and created a “Day in the Life of a Beta” schedule as well as a dream schedule! This week was full of lots of practice telling time to the minute WITH PRECISION for the Beta 1s! Ms. Kelly’s math group began the week working so hard on one and two step word problems that incorporate addition, subtraction and multiplication, moved into reviewing all of our multiplication strategies,

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Second grade students create circle on rug at private school in Austin.

5th/6th: Week of Jan 13

General News ELA Update This week in ELA we continued to toggle between typing up our fiction stories and discussing our novel study of Freewater. We sandwiched our publishing in the middle of the week with Freewater discussion on Monday and Thursday. On Monday we went over our homework and discussed many of the twists and turns of the novel so far. Those first chapters are action packed and introduce many new characters quickly! On Thursday we were able to slow down and make connections between the characters by breaking apart the two major worlds of the book: Freewater and

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Two fourth grade students work together at computer at STEM school in Austin.

Middle School: Week of 1/13

Math: The Marionettes tackled finding the percent, part, and whole problems this week. They started with straight forward questions like 45 is what percent of 60? and ended the week with application problems like 45 6th grade students made a B or higher on their math test. If there are 60 6th graders, what percent of students made a B or higher? The Saplings reviewed how to find the area of rectangles, parallelograms, triangles, and trapezoids at the beginning of the week in order to prepare them for their lesson over finding the area of composite figures on Thursday. The

Middle School: Week of 1/13 Read More »

Two middle school students work on language arts together at alternative school.