News and Events

Weekly View of Why Students Love Learning at AHB

4th/5th: Week of May 1

We simply can’t thank you all enough for the love and appreciation your showered upon us this week! We basked in the sweet gestures each and every day and feel entirely grateful for your support. Memorable Moments There is a morning dove who (bravely!) has chosen to build her nest right about our new Ga-Ga Ball pit. Her name is Cashew. This week, we were pleased to see that those little eggs have hatched and momma bird has two little babies: Peanut & Kevin, (For those interested: the dad pigeon has been named Walnut. He visits every so often.) The […]

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Fourth and fifth grade students working together at progressive school

2nd/3rd: Week of May 8th

Math – Ms. Kelly’s math group had one busy week! They worked on their last new concept of the year, picture graphs! They discussed what a picture graph is, how they show data, why “keys” are important and then spent time analyzing and creating their very own! These Betas absolutely worked their little tails off on their data and graphing post assessments AND their end of year assessments which covered everything that they learned this year! We are SOOOO PROUD!! Stellar work, mathematicians! Ms. Skylar’s math group focused all of their energy on area and perimeter this week! They kicked

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Third grader standing at board practicing math facts.

Middle School: Week of May 8th

Math: Zoomshrooms finished up their geometry unit this week. Monday they had a lesson over finding the volume of rectangular prisms. On Tuesday they extended their graphing skills to a coordinate plane with 4 quadrants. Wednesday was a review day with a scavenger hunt. Then finally, Thursday was their check in. Shockwave students worked through things at their own pace this week. Students first had to finish their dot plot or box plot on the wall. Next, they completed a check in over their statistics unit. Then finally, they started budgeting for a dream vacation. Vacation planning will continue till

Middle School: Week of May 8th Read More »

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4th/5th: Week of May 8th

Reading/Writing Update This week in writing we had a lot of fun going on poetry scavenger hunts! We reviewed all the elements of poetry we’ve learned about so far: metaphor, simile, repetition, alliteration, personification, rhyme, and onomatopoeia. Gammas looked through all of our poetry books and took notes on the elements they found. They then made invoices for Ms. Ansley and earned beaucoup gamma bucks! Each poetry element was worth 5 dollars a pop. We also talked about A Single Shard this week. We discussed the meaning of the title and how the ending of the book, while very sad,

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K/1st: Week of May 8th

Thank you ALL for such a special Teacher Appreciation Week! BEST BOUQUETS EVER!!!! We LOVE our new totes (and all that was in them) and LUNCH was not only delicious, but soooo relaxing; what a wonderful treat! THANK YOU!!! What’s Above Us this week… This week the Alphas learned more about our star. Because of you awesome parents out there – they already knew A LOT! Alphas were shocked to learn that the sun contains 99% of the matter in our solar system. This led to a discussion on matter (we reviewed the 3 states of matter from our study

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Girl displaying project.