News and Events

Weekly View of Why Students Love Learning at AHB

This Week in Middle School… Week of August 22

Math: This week, the 6th graders were introduced to integers. They ordered positive and negative whole numbers, decimals, and fractions on number lines and they caught up on work from the week and then hunted for problems scattered around upstairs to solve. The 7th graders learned four terms which they then classified numbers into the proper sets. They also added and subtracted integers with the example of how to remove debt. The 7th graders worked on that through Thursday so they are now debt free! On Monday the Algebra students Classified real numbers into the proper sets. On Tuesday they […]

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This Week in Gamma… Week of August 22

Our first full week in the Gamma room focused on getting the “flow” of our daily schedule and getting-to- know each other. New Gammas (Ms. Lorrie, included!) got a sense for the community feel at AHB. 💗 We all settled into the routine pretty smoothly, especially considering what a big transition it can be to start off a new year! The Gammas have been fantastic across the board–kind, hard-working and eager to learn. Happy Birthday, Scarlet! August 21st Happy Birthday, Ciel! August 22nd Gammas brainstormed community agreements, including both academic and social goals. We arrived at the following 4 agreements:

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This Week in Beta… Week of August 22nd

Math- Ms. Kelly’s math crew worked on some review this week, focusing on odd and even numbers, finding patterns on the hundreds chart and filling in missing numbers on a number line. Ms. Skylar’s group are becoming masters of place value to the 10 thousands by playing many fun place value games! Literacy- The kids participate in many engaging activities on a daily basis, besides just reading, during Reading Workshop. For instance, we explicitly teach the kids the rules of the English language in order for them to decode bigger words they find challenging using games, manipulatives (like our movable

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This week in Alpha… August 17-25, 2022

What a whirlwind of a week and a half! We had lots of fun getting to know each other. We played games and shared stories. We thought about things that would go into making this Alpha Classroom the best it can be. We decided on several agreements we could all commit to working on this year. We still have a few handprints to add to our sign but it looks like we are on our way to a great year… We worked together to make an Alphabet frieze… We worked on our First Quarter Self Portraits! This Week in Our

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