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Weekly View of Why Students Love Learning at AHB

2nd/3rd: Week of Feb 10

Happy Friendship/Valentine’s Day! We had a blast this afternoon celebrating together! From decorating our bags and exchanging valentines to opening sweet notes and enjoying delicious snacks (huge thanks to our amazing parents!), the room was filled with joy. We also got creative making friendship pins and simply soaking up time with one another. What a wonderful way to celebrate friendship and kindness! 💌✨ Math – Ms. Andrea’s math group began their unit on Geometry! We reviewed plane and solid shape names, practiced identifying shapes around us, and sorted them based on their attributes – we even built some shapes using […]

2nd/3rd: Week of Feb 10 Read More »

Elementary students craft on the floor at private school in Austin.

4th/5th: Week of Feb 10

General News Sadly, the weather wasn’t on our side this week for Shipe Park day but we had a lovely friendship day anyway! There were crafts, Valentine cards, and treats! Remember there is no school this coming Monday for Presidents Day/Family Field Day! ELA Update This week in Gammaland ELA we had our usual Monday discussion about last week’s reading. We are quickly approaching the climax of the book! On Tuesday and Thursday we spent a little more time on figurative language and looked at more quotes from the text to really solidify our knowledge of what different literary devices

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Elementary students work on math at table at GT school in Austin.

Middle School: Week of Feb 10

Math: This week the Marionettes had lessons over exponents and operation properties. We also spent time practicing solving order of operations problems like a dorito. The Saplings jumped into surface area. They learned how to identify 3D shapes by their nets and how to find the surface area of prisms. The Vroomshrooms entered their polynomial unit. They can now identify types of polynomials, add and subtract polynomials, and multiply monomials by binomials and trinomials. ELA: On Monday we learned about prepositional phrases with a fun game called “Where’s the Bunny??” Students found the bunny on the globe, under the couch,

Middle School: Week of Feb 10 Read More »

Middle school students work at board at micro school in Austin.

K/1st: Week of Feb 3

Is that a Wyatt or is it a beaver? This week… In our study of Texas Regions we turned back from the deserts and mountains of the West, back across the Great plains, Hill country, and Blackland prairies to arrive in East Texas where we discovered…woods! Piney woods! In this primarily flat land of nutrient-filled soil from eons of flooding and receding waters, we find an ecosystem filled with trees, rivers, and thousands of oxbow lakes. This rich landscape supports a huge variety of flora and fauna. Creatures we haven’t met in other regions live there such as alligators, beavers,

K/1st: Week of Feb 3 Read More »

Kindergarten project on display at STEM private school in Austin.

2nd/3rd: Week of Feb 3

Math – Ms. Andrea’s math group wrapped up their unit on time & measurement by reviewing straight line measurements and the technique of “marking the spot!” We did some more measuring of large items in the room, this time in inches AND feet. Then we practiced converting our mixed measurements into just inches using vertical addition and regrouping skills from past units. We even had some time to break out our analog time games for a little bonus practice before we took our unit test on Thursday. Ms. Kelly’s math group attacked tough perimeter problems with missing sides, moved from

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Three elementary students point at board at micro school in Austin.