News and Events

Weekly View of Why Students Love Learning at AHB

Middle School: Week of Nov 27

Math: Monday, Da Sprouts used ratios to predict how many of each color fruit loop was in a box. They were given a pile of fruit loops, but only needed 20 fruit loops for the lab. They were able to enjoy and eat the rest of the pile. On Tuesday we continued using ratios, but now to create tables and graphs. Wednesday they practiced ratios with a solve and color. EverShrooms continued to work on solving proportions this week and were introduced to how to calculate percent change using proportions. Polar Bears completed their quilt this week while Mountain Lizards […]

Middle School: Week of Nov 27 Read More »

Middle school students use cereal to comprehend math at project based school.

K/1st: Week of Nov 13

We got our first National Park reply, now we all want to take a field trip to the Petrified Forest in Arizona! What’s Around Us?! This week we visited the Southeast Region of our continent. One of the most important feature in this area is the Appalacia Mountain range. We learned that millions of years ago these mountains were as big, if not bigger than the Himalayas. The were formed by 2 tectonic plates ramming together: Africa and North America! Second year Alphas knew right away what happened to the 29.000 foot Appalacia Mountains, and why they are only about

K/1st: Week of Nov 13 Read More »

Kindergarten boy uses math cubes to learn at progressive microschool.

2nd/3rd: Week of Nov 13

Crazy Sock Day! We are so thankful for AHB and all of our families! 🥰 Math This week, Ms. Andrea’s math group exercised their mental math muscles and worked out word problems with…REGROUPING! We started off by modeling addition problems using manipulatives: tens rods and unit cubes to represent two digit numbers. We practiced trading in 10 cubes for a ten rod when warranted, and ended the week with traditional paper and pencil column practice of regrouping the 1. They keep saying, “it’s SOOO easy!!” ;) Ms. Kelly’s math group is officially finished with addition and subtraction with regrouping (don’t

2nd/3rd: Week of Nov 13 Read More »

Second grade students color Egyptian project on the floor at non-traditional school.

4th/5th: Week of Nov 13

General News Wow, this week flew by! Gammas showed incredible skill and maturity this week managing schedule changes, multiple projects, and our very first field trip! (It was fantastic!) We hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving Break! Reading/Writing Update This week we introduced a creative project illustrating the family tree and characteristics of the main characters in our book. We also read another chapter, learned more vocabulary words, and continued plugging away at typing our biography writing projects! We are looking forward to sharing our amazing, thoughtful, and well researched writing projects with you all at POP in December. The

4th/5th: Week of Nov 13 Read More »

Native American woman speaks to fourth and fifth graders on field trip at progressive school.

Middle School: Week of Nov 13

Math: On Wednesday we took a break from our regularly scheduled programming to practice our problem solving skills. All students worked in groups to solve clues and build a turkey out of marshmallows, toothpicks and gumdrops. During the rest of the week, Da Sprouts started their new unit on ratios and practiced using ratios to make comparisons. EverShrooms reviewed percents and worked on percent application problems. Polar Bears continued to work on their linear equation quilt. Mountain Lizards continued to practice system of equations then moved onto solving system of inequalities. ELA: At long last, Odysseus is home in Ithaca!

Middle School: Week of Nov 13 Read More »

Middle school students display turkey made of candy at project based school.