News and Events

Weekly View of Why Students Love Learning at AHB

2nd/3rd: Week of 8/26

HUGE shout out and thank you to Uncle Brock (Finley and Paxton’s uncle) for hanging our TV! It is no easy feat getting through the concrete blocks!!! Math – Ms. Andrea’s math group worked on ordering numbers and reviewed greater than/less than this week. First we looked at a number line and used clues to determine missing numbers. Next, we each got a couple pieces of a number line to complete and worked together to assemble them like a long puzzle. We also built the tallest ice cream cone in history! To do this we ordered numbers and checked our […]

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Second grade girl looks surprised at project based school.

K/1st: Week of 8/26

This week in Alpha… We’d like to send a big THANKS and deep bow of gratitude to Michelle, Sarah(and Roonie), Megan, and Katie(and Noodle), who were able to help us last-minute on our Hyde Park walk- and to Louise for hanging our beautiful self-portraits in the hallway! Doing our jobs is important! Calling out Choosing Stones for morning snack Our Big Backyard takes us to…Hyde Park! Last year we learned all about what was inside our bodies, and what each system needed in terms of care and feeding in order to stay healthy. Where people live is important to our

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Kindergarten girl chooses object out of basket at private school in Austin.

Middle School: Week of 8/19

Math: What a great first week back! All students decorated their binders on the first day of school and reviewed procedures for class. This included how students will work their way through the Math Super Sleuth Academy whenever they finish their daily assignment early. On Tuesday, 6th grade students learned how to graph integers on a number line and practiced comparing integers by playing Integer War. Wednesday they practiced Tuesday’s lesson by sorting integer inequalities into a true or false column. After, students grouped up to play Stomped. Thursday the 6th graders completed two lessons. The first covered comparing and

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Middle school students form a bridge while other students walk under

4th/5th: Week of 8/19

General News What a wonderful first week in Gammaland! Your kiddos were bright, eager, and downright angelic this week! We got the hang of many structures and routines for the classroom and started to dip our toes into some of the great content we are going to explore this quarter. Remember to have your kiddo bring their completed P&P to school on Monday! Our Gamma Agreements (complete with student-created catchy slogans) are: Remember to bookmark our Gamma webpage: There you can find a class calendar with school events and birthdays, math tutorials a’ plenty and helpful parent links on

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Two fifth grade students work together at micro school in Austin.

2nd/3rd: Week of 8/19

Building Community & Establishing Routines- Building a community within the classroom sets the tone and encourages students to be active members of their own learning. Community is about relationships. It’s a place where people come together and feel like they belong. It’s about creating a space where every student feels safe; where students and teachers work together toward a common goal, and celebrate both collective and individual wins. We spend a great deal of time at the beginning of each year learning to work and play together, and we do this in many different ways: We read How Full Is

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Second grader works on literacy at progressive school.