News and Events

Weekly View of Why Students Love Learning at AHB

2nd/3rd: Week of 9/30

Math – Ms. Andrea’s math group practiced skip counting by 100s (forwards, backwards and mentally),, compared SO many numbers! We used our <, > & = symbols, and practiced reading inequality sentences. . We built numbers in the hundreds and thousands using place value blocks and played a riveting game of I Have, Who Has matching place value block cards to cards with the same number written in standard form. Next we learned a new game in which we compared two numbers written in expanded form. Everyone agreed that it’s easier to compare numbers when they’re stretched out because you […]

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Second grade student holds reading cards at GT school in Austin.

4th/5th: Week of 9/30

ELA Update This was finally the week where we finished our novel! On Monday we had a discussion about the very exciting culmination of events in chapters 16 – 18. We also took some time to do in-class reading of the book together this week for the first time. Chapters 19 – 21 are so important for character development and we needed to know how things ended up for our characters to thoroughly and accurately analyze them. Reading these chapters aloud together in a voluntary popcorn reading was a blast because we got to feed off of each other’s reactions

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Fifth grade student points at tv screen at STEM school.

Middle School: Week of 9/30

Math: The Marionettes tackled a check in this week! They should be checked and in their binders sometime next week! Wednesday they began adding integers. We added using both counters and number lines. At the end of class students made necklaces that represented integer addition problems that equal their age. The Saplings continued work on solving equations using the balancing scales on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday that learned how to solve and graph two step inequalities. Vroomshrooms took a check in over relations and functions on Monday then pushed toward into their linear equations unit. They learned how to find

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Two sixth grade students talk about reading project at progressive school.

4th/5th: Week of 9/23

ELA Update On Monday we went over our P&P and discussed the novel, as per usual. There are lots of predictions flying around about how things will end up for our characters! Even reluctant readers early on in the book are finding it irresistible to weigh in on the fate of our characters by this point in the story! On Tuesday and Wednesday we used a webquest document to learn about the Salem Witch trials and the history of the idiom “a witch hunt” as it applies to the book and what happens to Kit when she is accused of

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Two fifth grade students work on math at table at micro school in Austin.

K/1st: Week of 9/23

This week in Our Big Backyard… So, Alphas knew that our Earth has layers and that they get hotter and hotter the closer you get to its center. So we acted out what it might be like to be some gooey magma deep inside our planet… Here we are…all comfy and flowing down towards the center…but wait – it’s getting kind of hot… Yeow! Get me off this hot thing! Magma gets excited and flows away from the hottest spot – but them what happens? We learned that it bumped into the solid crust layer. If the crust was too

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