Middle School

Middle School: Week of 11/4

Math: The Marionettes started the week with a lesson on subtracting integers using an algorithm. They then moved on to multiplication and division of integers. This completes their integer operations unit. Next week we will be reviewing and taking a check in. The Saplings talked about percentages this week. They worked on application problems where they had to find either the percent, the part, or the whole using proportions. The Vroomshrooms are still working with linear equations. They learned how to find the equation and graph lines given a slope and a point, and only given two points. Thursday was […]

Middle School: Week of 11/4 Read More »

7th graders look at banana in aquarium at STEM middle school in Austin.

Middle School: Week of 10/28

Math: Marionettes started the week with completing two mazes. One maze was on adding integers and the other was on subtracting integers. After about 2.5 weeks of using models to solve integer addition and subtraction problems, on Tuesday they had a lesson on adding integers with an algorithm. Wednesday they all escaped from a three level escape room by adding and subtracting integers! The Saplings had lessons over unit rates and measurement conversation. They practiced calculating unit rates and their fraction division skills by sorting how concentrated each kid liked their chocolate milk. The Vroomshrooms practiced graphing functions by completing

Middle School: Week of 10/28 Read More »

Two middle school students perform science experiment at STEM school.

Middle School: Week of 10/21

Math: This week the Marionettes tackled subtracting integers with models. We learned how to take away counters in subtraction problems on Tuesday. Wednesday they completed a solve and color to practice. Once they were done they created their own integer subtraction equation and made a poster to model their equation. One Thursday we played speed dating. Each student was given a problem to become experts in. Next they partnered up to trade problems and try to model and solve their partner’s problem. After that everyone switched partners and repeated the process. Da Saplings worked on solving proportions using cross multiplication

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Two middle school students work together at private school in Austin.

Middle School: Week of 9/30

Math: The Marionettes tackled a check in this week! They should be checked and in their binders sometime next week! Wednesday they began adding integers. We added using both counters and number lines. At the end of class students made necklaces that represented integer addition problems that equal their age. The Saplings continued work on solving equations using the balancing scales on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday that learned how to solve and graph two step inequalities. Vroomshrooms took a check in over relations and functions on Monday then pushed toward into their linear equations unit. They learned how to find

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Two sixth grade students talk about reading project at progressive school.

Middle School: Week of 9/23

Math: On Monday the Marionettes practiced dividing fractions with a solve and color to finish off their unit on positive rational operations. Tuesday and Wednesday they completed a unit review. We had planned to take the unit check in on Thursday, but with 4 students absent, we played Desperately Seeking Decimals instead. That game practices turning fractions into decimals. The Saplings spent the week practicing solving two-step equations. They completed an error analysis on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday and part of Thursday they created similes to help them remember the order to solve two step equations. At the end of

Middle School: Week of 9/23 Read More »

Three private middle school students work together at table to create STEM project.