Middle School

Middle School: Week of Feb 24

Math: All classes are wrapping up units for the quarter this week. The Marionettes worked on a review Monday and Tuesday and took their check-in Wednesday. Thursday they started a research project to finish out the quarter. The Saplings finished up their robots all week and took their check-in on Thursday. The Vroomshrooms learned how to factor. This included factoring out the gcf, factoring by grouping, factoring trinomials using the AC method, and factoring a difference of squares. Their check-in will be Tuesday. ELA: Everyone (including the teacher) returned on Monday eager to discuss the ending of Animal Farm! We […]

Middle School: Week of Feb 24 Read More »

Middle school student paints egg at STEM school.

Middle School: Week of Feb 10

Math: This week the Marionettes had lessons over exponents and operation properties. We also spent time practicing solving order of operations problems like a dorito. The Saplings jumped into surface area. They learned how to identify 3D shapes by their nets and how to find the surface area of prisms. The Vroomshrooms entered their polynomial unit. They can now identify types of polynomials, add and subtract polynomials, and multiply monomials by binomials and trinomials. ELA: On Monday we learned about prepositional phrases with a fun game called “Where’s the Bunny??” Students found the bunny on the globe, under the couch,

Middle School: Week of Feb 10 Read More »

Middle school students work at board at micro school in Austin.

Middle School: Week of Feb 3

Math: The Marionettes had 3 lessons this week: expressions vs equations, exponents, and prime factorization. We also played I Have, Who Has, a matching card game, and exponent connect 4. On Wednesday, the Marionettes went to visit the Gammas 2s for Ms. Lorrie’s bottle flipping challenge. The Saplings worked on reviewing for their check in Monday through Wednesday. Thursday they started the check-in. The Vroomshrooms had lessons over simplifying square roots including square roots with variables. On Wednesday and Thursday they reviewed for their check-in on Monday. ELA: Students have spent the past four weeks reading class novels that tie

Middle School: Week of Feb 3 Read More »

Middle school student creates guillotine at project based school in Austin

Middle School: Week of Jan 27

Math: The Marionettes reviewed and took their check-ins over percents this week. The Saplings worked with similar figures and practiced solving proportions to find scale factors of similar figures. The Vroomshrooms graphed exponential functions and had a lesson over geometric sequences. Thursday, all students took part in a STEM challenge to create a bow and arrow. We competed and used our bow and arrows to shoot a target made of chalk on the playground wall outside. ELA: Monday means book clubs! These were the penultimate sections for both the novels we’re reading upstairs, so the drama has almost–but not quite!–reached

Middle School: Week of Jan 27 Read More »

Middle School teacher points to useful information at school with small classes.

Middle School: Week of Jan 20

Math: This week the Marionettes finished up their percent unit. They started their review on Thursday and will finish it next week. The Saplings started a performance review to assess if they can calculate area and work with scale values. The Vroomsrooms had lesson over negative exponents on Wednesday. Thursday they played Koosh Ball to review the product rule, power rule, quotient rule, and negative exponents rule. ELA: We spent the two school days this week talking about our class novels. All classes have passed the halfway point and the action is rising! In each class, students teamed up to

Middle School: Week of Jan 20 Read More »

Middle school students hold opject together at nonreligious school in Austin.