
4th/5th: Week of 9/9

General News ELA Update This was an extra fun week in ELA! In addition to our usual Monday P&P recap and literature discussion circle, we also split our time between persuasive writing about the benefits of spending time in nature and crafting hornbooks (like the kind Kit gives to Prudence to teach her how to read in our book). A classic Puritan hornbook is very simple and no frills – not very fun to craft – so many chose to make fancy ones that would have been more likely to be owned by wealthy Loyalists or people living in England. […]

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Fifth grader presents with fourth grader at school with mixed ages.

4th/5th: Week of 9/2

General News Operation Ms. Lorrie’s Birthday Surprise was a huge success! There were cookies, cupcakes, cards, and more! We worked in secret on an interactive writing exercise throughout the past two weeks during ELA class and presented her with a “spooky” and hilarious story about sardines (complete with illustrations) during her “unbirthday” ceremony, as well as a framed poster that she loved. You can read the story here! ELA Update For a short week we sure packed a lot in! In addition to working on our interactive writing piece for Ms. Lorrie this week, we also worked on our class

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Fourth grade student works on computer at STEM school.

4th/5th: Week of 8/26

General News ELA Update This week we gained some important historical context to help with our understanding and comprehension while reading The Witch of Blackbird Pond. We talked about the Patriot vs. Loyalist conflict during this time as well as different cultural and lifestyle components of the 13 colonies. We then partnered up with a classmate to design our own 14th colony. In order to make a colony we had to consider who was funding our colony, how we would get there, what our religion would be, and what kind of trade and commerce we would engage in, and if

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Teacher works with fifth grade boys at school with small class sizes.

4th/5th: Week of 8/19

General News What a wonderful first week in Gammaland! Your kiddos were bright, eager, and downright angelic this week! We got the hang of many structures and routines for the classroom and started to dip our toes into some of the great content we are going to explore this quarter. Remember to have your kiddo bring their completed P&P to school on Monday! Our Gamma Agreements (complete with student-created catchy slogans) are: Remember to bookmark our Gamma webpage: There you can find a class calendar with school events and birthdays, math tutorials a’ plenty and helpful parent links on

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Two fifth grade students work together at micro school in Austin.

4th/5th: Week of 5/6

General News We are entering into one of the most magical times of year – POP! We will spend next week finishing projects, collaborating on committees, and turning our room into an interactive space to show off what we’ve been learning for the past two quarters! Note that P&P will be optional next week so that kids can focus on project wrap-up at home in a stress-free way if they are still tying up loose ends for any POP projects. Ms. Lorrie’s brother came to deliver our Nok sculptures this week and we can’t wait for you to see the

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Fourth grade student works on math at table at private elementary school in Austin.