
K/1st: Week of 9/16

This week in Our Big Backyard… The questions we had this week were…What’s under the soil? What’s down deep? We went way back in time when our sun was newly formed and space dust and debris swirled around it which slowly gathered to make planets and our earth. We learned how all of those minerals and materials can still be traced to everything around us. A peach looks a bit like inner earth! We talked about how, although we don’t have the tools to travel down too deep (and it’s too hot!), scientists have created other ways to “see” what’s […]

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Two kindergarten students learn about symmetry at STEM school.

2nd/3rd: Week of 9/16

Math – Ms. Andrea’s math group solved place value riddles, built numbers with base ten blocks and wrote them in standard, expanded and word forms. We introduced Word Problem Wednesday, helping each other solve place value story problems. These young Betas learned several new math games! Lastly, we practiced counting place value block illustrations and compared them to one another using the greater than and less than symbols. Ms. Kelly’s math group wrapped up their place value unit this week by reviewing skills with a partner and participating in a place value and rounding scavenger hunt. Problems were placed around

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Second grade student works with circuits at project based school in Austin.

4th/5th: Week of 9/16

General News We had a really great week–the Gammas were on-task and focused and it made for a really smooth week, even with Ms. Ansley out a few days (We hope she had a great time at the wedding!) We did have a community meeting with Ms. Shari as a guest visitor to talk about the importance of inclusive language at AHB. (I sent you an email with more details this morning, just to be sure that parents are in the loop directly from the horse’s mouth, as they say!) ELA Update We started the week off with another lively

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Fifth grader works with first grader on reading skills at school with mixed ages.

K/1st: Week of 9/9

A lovey can be a pumpkin! This week in Our Big Backyard… When your friends and family ask what you did at school all week you can honestly tell them you played in the dirt. Boy, did we EVER! Alphas LOVED seeing where all our friends live around Austin (and beyond). This place we live supports life of many people and creatures. We have a big river that gives us water, we have plenty of sunlight, and air so we wanted to explore the world below our feet that provided people with everything they needed to eat and use for

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Kindergarten student looks with magnifying glass at project based school.

2nd/3rd: Week of 9/9

Math – Our math groups are building numerical reasoning. Numerical reasoning involves processing numerical patterns logically and easily. People with strong numerical reasoning excel at more than addition, multiplication, and division. They easily process, analyze and interpret numerical charts, trends, and relationships. We know it is key to place an emphasis on deep conceptual understanding through open-ended problem solving where the focus is on explaining strategies rather than just focusing on finding the correct answer. But we also know that learning your math facts is crucial because they act as the foundation for more advanced math concepts, allowing students to

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Two third graders work together on circuit at STEM school.