Middle School: Week of 9/23


On Monday the Marionettes practiced dividing fractions with a solve and color to finish off their unit on positive rational operations. Tuesday and Wednesday they completed a unit review. We had planned to take the unit check in on Thursday, but with 4 students absent, we played Desperately Seeking Decimals instead. That game practices turning fractions into decimals.

The Saplings spent the week practicing solving two-step equations. They completed an error analysis on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday and part of Thursday they created similes to help them remember the order to solve two step equations. At the end of class Thursday, they used manipulative scales to physically balance equations.

The Vroomshrooms completed arithmetic sequence task cards on Monday and a unit review on Tuesday and Wednesday. Students who finished their reviews early created their own sequences, found the general formula for their sequence, and hung their example on the wall. Thursday they started their unit check in.


On Monday we held our first book club about The Westing Game. Partners got together and used text evidence from the novel to fill in a map of the apartment numbers and residents living in Sunset Towers–the central setting of this murder mystery. They also verified the heirs working as partners to win the game. We talked about the American dream and how it plays a key role in the book; as students read further, they will be on high alert for motifs related to that.

Tuesday and Wednesday we circled back to our first novel, Nothing But the Truth, by returning to our small groups from last week. In a jigsaw activity, each group took a piece of the puzzle–inciting incident, climax, or theme– identified their element then shared it with the whole class. After that it was time to roll out those really long linear plot lines they created last week. First they circled their inciting incident and climax in red…then they collaborated to identify five main events that propelled the plot forward.

After finding those seven events on their plot lines, they cut them apart and typed them on to a graphic organizer. Next they edited their writing for capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. At this point they learned the handy trick of reading their writing aloud to themselves to catch even more errors. With that task completed, we spent the last few minutes of class brainstorming ways to represent this linear plot with a 3D analogy. So far students have come up with dominoes falling, a snowball gathering mass as it rolls downhill, and the butterfly effect. Next week we’ll dive into the craft supplies to turn these visions into reality!


Theme class turned into ELA this week as students began to craft a writing project. This project will serve as student’s individual project for this quarter

The Marionette class took on the topic of the Electoral college. Students researched and created background information relating to the argument for keeping the system or abandoning it. We debated both sides and took notes about the use of the system, where it succeeds and where it had failed, five times in our electoral history. Once they chose their side, they used the week to create their first Delta essay. It was exciting to see their minds light up and work.

The Saplings and Vroomshrooms were given the opportunity to choose a topic within the subject of voting rights. From Voter ID laws to Voter purging, students research many controversial issues and made their choices. They too got a sampling of the process and used the week to create their own arguments. The results so far have been impressive!!

On Thursday, Delta parent Ashley Keyfitz visited our classroom to talk about her work as an advocate for program served by the Texas legislature. She provided some key insights into how the government works to provide funding for various groups. The information was interesting and will prepare the students for their field trip this week. The students have already talked about how excited they are about our first field trip to the Texas State Capitol on Thursday, Oct. 3rd. We will tour from 10am to 11:30am with shopping opportunities and lunch to follow. Parents who still wish to join need to email me by Tuesday.

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Delta students spend some Flex time learning line dancing moves. Our flex time allows for targeted learning to foster growth in our social and emotional learning. Students have said how much they enjoy the exercises and games we play during our SEL time.

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Saplings balancing equations.

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Vroomshrooms use text evidence to support their answers in book club.

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Marionettes type events from their timelines into a shared graphic organizer.

Vroomshrooms identify main plot events from their linear timelines.

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Saplings discuss the importance of plot events from their linear timeline of Nothing But the Truth.

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Theme students worked on their first big writing project this week, focusing on taking a position over voting rights in the United States. Topics from the Electoral College to Voter Purging gave a wide variety of subjects to research. At top right, Ms. Ashley Keyfitz, mother of Delta student Maximo, shows how the state government supports the needs of programs in the state. THe Delta students will be taking their first field trip to the State Capital on Thursday, Oct. 3rd, to further explore the foundations of laws.

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Shipe Park Day gave the Delta students a chance to run around and get some exercise and build community with all of the students in all classes. Above, the AHB tradition of Delta students walking with Alpha students continued during our walk to the park.